
Adding (Importing) Transitions in Producer

The transitions that you receive from  SeeMona’s blog , as well as from other 3rd party vendors, are packed in a zip file. Zip files are compressed files.
Your first step is to unzip (decompress) these files on your computer, in a directory of your choice . You can later delete this directory.
In Windows right click on the zip file and select "Extract all".

After the extraction, you will be able to see all the transition files. They have the extension pxt and the ProShow icon.
For example: Candy Cane.pxt

Your next step is to add these files into Producer, so that they become available in your list of transitions, and ready for use in all your future shows:

Ways to add transitions into Producer

1. Use Windows (Windows Explorer)

If you have just one or two transitions, you can double click on the files right from Windows Explorer.
Windows will ask you if you want to add these to Producer. You should, of course, answer YES. When you next open Producer, you will find the transitions in you list.

2. Use Producer to automatically import the transitions

If you bought a collection of transitions, with lots of pxt files, use Producer to add them to your list, by using the function Manage Transitions:

You can reach this menu from the top of your main screen:  Tools > Manage Effects >Transitions
You can press on the icon FX (Effects) > Transitions

From the Effects options, select the Transitions tab.

This will open the Transitions menu, where you can see all your transitions.
Press on Add (at the bottom left corner).

Producer will open a window to your computer directories. Navigate to the directory where you unzipped your files and select all the files.
To select files in Windows use [Shift] and point to the first and last file in the group. All the files will become marked (selected).

Press on Open.
The Transitions will be added to your list of transitions.

Viewing the Transitions in your list of Transitions

To view the transitions that you just added to Producer, open a show and press on a transition in your timeline.
This will bring up all the transitions installed in Producer.
Make sure you have ALL Categories selected.
Now you will be able to select the category "SeeMona's Blog" and to view and use all the transitions that you purchased.
To use the transitions in your show, select one and press on APPLY.

BACK TO SeeMona's Blog

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