
Categorize transitions in ProShow Producer

Did you know that you can change the category of your transitions?
Did you know that you can add more than one category to a single transition, or to several transitions?

The built-in transitions, as well as all the other transitions that you purchase, have been categorized by their designers. These categories may or may not suit your own needs.
For ease of use, you may wish to categorize them differently, or to create your own categories.  For example, if you have several transitions that are suitable for your Christmas shows, you may create a new category named "Christmas".  Or, if you have several transitions that are suitable for Wedding shows, you may create a category named "Wedding"

All this can be done through the menu Manage Effects > Transitions

You can reach this menu from either one of the following:
Tools > Manage Effects > Transitions
Click on Fx Effects 

The engine wheel icon in your transitions menu

In the menu Manage Transitions, make sure that in "Categories" you select "ALL Categories", or if you want to change just one category, then select that one.
In "Aspect Ratio" make sure that you select "ALL Ratios".

As an example, we are going to add a new category named "Christmas". In this category we are going to add some of the built-in transitions that were categorized by Photodex just as "Themed".

Press on [Ctrl], and select all the transitions named "Snow"
They are now marked.

Click on "Categorize" at the bottom.

In the new menu that opens notice that the categories created by the designers of the transition, are already marked.
At the bottom of this menu, click on +add.

You can now add your own category with the name "Christmas", and then press on Apply.
Producer will go over your transitions and save your changes.

When you look again at your transitions, you will notice that apart from the categories that were there, you now have an additional category named Christmas.

In future, when you work on your show, and are looking for transitions, you can choose only the category Christmas, and you will see all the transitions that are suitable for Christmas shows.
You can include many more transitions in this category, of course. I just chose three transitions for illustration purposes.

By the same principles, you can also remove a category.
In the example above, you can uncheck the category Christmas, in the menu Select Transition Categories, and your transitions will revert to the previous categorization.

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